20. IRis-F1 - Fast, High-Resolution Spectrometer

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The IRis-F1 - Fast, High-Resolution Spectrometer

The BioLogic SFM can be coupled easily to the IRis-F1 dual-comb spectrometer, from IRsweep using the standard FT-IR and an umbilical connector accessory. Sub-10 ms bio-chemical reaction kinetics can be studied in the  mid-IR region where traditional FT-IR experiments are impossible with commercial instruments.

With the IRis-F1, absorbance spectra from a single stopped-flow shot are acquired at a noise floor of 10-3 AU (absorbance units) with 1 ms time resolution. Sensitivity can be further increased by co-averaging multiple shots or reducing the time resolution.

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20. IRis-F1 - Fast, High-Resolution Spectrometer

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